Community of Unity Lead Partner in New Harlem Middle School


- It’s not about the next three years, but the next eleven. Our students commit to designing their path to high school and college graduation and we support themalong the way.
- Students spend all their time learning. We build strong relationships with our students and provide them with a consistent school culture so that they feel safe and cared for by adults. In this environment, students have what they need so they can spend all their time learning.
- Building confident readers, writers, and speakers is every teacher’s job. For students to be successful in school and life they need to master literacy skills. All our teachers design literacy into their classrooms and curricular.
- Students apply what they are learn in their classes to meaningful real world settings. Our teachers are building the next generation of authors, mathematicians, scientists, historians, and designers. Our students build the skills to reach these roles in life when they can apply their learning outside the classroom.
- Students are empowered to design their school, neighborhood, and city with their education. Our students “explore their world” then “make their mark” with a widening focus of our design work each year. These design projects teach students how to be leaders and be the change they want to see in the world.
We are so so excited to see New Design Middle School become a reality, and are looking forward to years of supporting youth and their families as they define their purpose and potential one good choice at a time!
(New Design Middle School)