The Future is Now
On Saturday, February 23rd, our Design Your Future program helped launch the first ever “The Future is Now College Day” at New Design High School. Site Director Susan Donovan assisted in planning a series of workshops for parents and families that aimed to demystify the college process. Workshops included “Show Me the Money,” “Why College,” “Is My Student on Track?” and “Getting in the Door.”
The highlight of the day was an NDHS alumni panel of current college students who shared personal insights about the college process, including what they wish they knew before they applied. Their honesty and forthrightness was inspiring and grounding for parents–some of whom are just now beginning to think about the college process, and others for whom college is just months away.
“The Future is Now” was the first of it’s kind at NDHS, and–based on it’s success–it will be a yearly fixture for parents and families seeking to learn more about college and the importance of the years leading up to it.
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