“Do you know that you have a Song in your heart?” said the Wise Elder.
“I do?” said the Child.
All COMMUNITY of UNITY programs are based on a belief that each of us has a unique SONG that we will try to learn and share during our lifetime. This SONG, which lives in our heart, is beautiful, and powerful, and rich, and it is perfect. Our lives and all of the experiences that define it are simply opportunities for us to learn and share our SONG as fully as possible through the choices that we make. Specifically, choices we make using seven special instruments:
1. Self-Awareness
2. Self-Esteem
3. Sense of Humor
4. Empathy
5. Integrity
6. Focus
7. Responsibility.
Every time we make a choice using one of our instruments, we learn something about our SONG, and in doing so share that aspect of it with the world. We connect our head (the instruments) with our heart (our Song), and we experience joy, a sense of connectedness, and ultimately the success and fulfillment that we are searching for. When you are playing your SONG, you know it. You are consistent and clear and not filled with self-doubt. You don’t judge or blame others, or yourself. You appreciate your life and those you are sharing it with. You can play your SONG with power, freedom and joy, because you know who you are.
Your SONG can harmonize with the songs of friends and family, and sometimes even strangers you stand next to on the train. Yet it’s unique rhythm and melody are yours alone. And you have the perfect instruments with which to play it. This does not mean that life will become easy. Life is not meant to be easy, and sometimes your SONG will be hard to play. You may feel like ignoring your SONG and playing someone else’s in order to gain approval, love, or acceptance. But to do this, and most of us will at some point in our lives, you must close your heart to muffle the sound of your SONG. Your life will change. Strangely enough, things may seem easier, less challenging, even more fun. But inside you will be empty. When you stop listening to and playing your SONG, you cut the chord to your true self.
Lucky for us, our SONG never dies. It simply waits for us to play it again. What if children were supported in their personal journey to awaken, honor and play their unique SONG? Taught how powerful and glorious, and special their SONG really is? That no other person who has ever been born or will ever be born has had or will have the same beautiful SONG as they do. And that learning and sharing their SONG will be their personal gift to the world.
What if?
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