Support from the Educational Community

“Community of Unity’s systematic approach to the establishment of school culture allows schools to have a strong foundation. Community of Unity is a model of authenticity.” -Jill Herman: Founding Principal Eastside Community High School & Network Leader, Urban Assembly

“Community of Unity helped me to articulate my philosophy and vision, develop Culture Documents for our Staff Handbook, and were instrumental in developing and implementing our Advisory Programs and Community service teams.” -Joaquin Tomayo: Founding Principal, The UA Academy of Government & Law

“Community of Unity has been able to help the school articulate and communicate a clear and concise mission and vision that continues to provide direction to the decision making process of the school.” -Dr. Scott Conti: Founding Principal, New Design High School

“Thank you Community of Unity for being such a good listener and a strategic thinker. I appreciate the work you have done in developing our dean and our assistant principal. You are excellent in helping me contextualize events and consider all points of view. Your belief in our growing school has been unwavering.” -Emily Becker: Founding Principal, Bronx Green Middle School

“You provided us with invaluable guidance during a challenging time, by affording us a forum to look deeply at the work we are doing. Your direction allowed us to design structures and processed which enable us to re-evaluate our culture and build a plan for the future. Your professionalism during retreats, weekly meetings and one on one conversations was always a grounding force.” -Richard Kahan: Founder & CEO The Urban Assembly

“Simple, relevant, powerful and effective!” -Martin Ragga: Youth Development Director, HOOPS 4 HOPE/Harare Zimbabwe

“Your work is very well thought out, and demonstrates appreciation, respect and love for children. The schools and children are fortunate to have you out there working with them.” -Dr. Dana Holman: Professor of Social Work, Fordham University

12th Grade Female YELC’s 3-Day “Feeding your Mind, Body, and Soul” Experience!

  During the first week of February our 12th grade female Youth Empowerment Leadership Community (YELC) participated in the 2nd Annual Health & Wellness Inter-session program at our partner school New Design High School. This year’s YELC program was called, “Feeding your Mind, Body, and Soul.” and was a celebratory three days away from school, honoring our Young Women [...]

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Take Part: Somebody Cared: Why Juan Nizama Chose Pre-Med Over Street Cred

When Hunter College's spring semester begins on January 28, transfer student Juan Nizama will blend in perfectly with his pre-med ...

The Huffington Post: Community of Unity: NYC’s Youth Empowerment Station

In 1988, Eric Komoroff found the inspiration for his life's work where he least expected it: on a sidewalk in ...