About Us

Community of Unity has been called the most effective youth development program in New York City, transforming the lives of students, and in turn, the culture of their schools. Through peer group meetings and one-on-one mentoring Community of Unity staff provide stable, trusting relationships and non-denominational spiritual tools to help students seek their true purpose and potential, and to make good choices. Staff and students alike rely on people just like you to make the program possible and there are lots of ways to get involved, whether you are an educator or just an interested citizen. Join us in helping transform our communities, one life at a time.


12th Grade Female YELC’s 3-Day “Feeding your Mind, Body, and Soul” Experience!

  During the first week of February our 12th grade female Youth Empowerment Leadership Community (YELC) participated in the 2nd Annual Health & Wellness Inter-session program at our partner school New Design High School. This year’s YELC program was called, “Feeding your Mind, Body, and Soul.” and was a celebratory three days away from school, honoring our Young Women [...]

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Take Part: Somebody Cared: Why Juan Nizama Chose Pre-Med Over Street Cred

When Hunter College's spring semester begins on January 28, transfer student Juan Nizama will blend in perfectly with his pre-med ...

The Huffington Post: Community of Unity: NYC’s Youth Empowerment Station

In 1988, Eric Komoroff found the inspiration for his life's work where he least expected it: on a sidewalk in ...